Watch Our Webinar On-Demand

Interested in discovering more around financing your next Green Hydrogen Project? 

We hope you enjoyed our FREE webinar, Electrons, Equity and End Users - Delivering ROI and Decarbonisation with Green Hydrogen, held on 3 April.

If you haven't had the chance to watch our webinar do so now to insights into how to deliver profitable green hydrogen projects as a cost-effective solution for decarbonising the industry.

Watch now to learn more about: 

  • At what price does Green Hydrogen become attractive to offtakers?
  • How co-location of solar and hydrogen can improve the economics of solar projects?
  • Addressing power price risk when investing in projects, and whether offtakers may take on some of that risk
  • What are the best practices for securing demand from offtakers?
  • How should hydrogen be moved between producer and user and what economic effect does this have on price?

 Learn more about how securing the right offtake is crucial to unlocking the promise of green hydrogen, making it accessible and affordable for industrial off-takers, and profitable for project developers and investors.

This webinar has been specifically designed as a prescursor to our green hydrogen event set in Lisbon on 17-18 April. If you haven't booked your ticket yet - do so now! 

Webinar Speakers 

Eric Adams

Hydrogen Projects Director

Carlton Power


Camila Tubella Boada

Green Hydrogen Project developer 

Pacifico Energy


James-Augustine Foley

Executive Director



Stein Birkeland

Head of Energy / Senior Portfolio Manager
Equity Strategies

Norges Bank Investment Management